All Means All

Did you know that Jesus doesn’t joke around or use satire when He talks to you. He means what He says, all the time, every day, every time. He speaks absolute truth because He is the Truth, Himself. You might say, “Well, He is God, so that’s not hard to imagine.” Yes, you are right. There’s something that you may not realize though.

Jesus has called you to partner with Him as a co-laborer. Jesus offers us His yoke in Matthew 11, that is easy and His burden is light. It would seem that He wants us to speak as He speaks and act like He does. The Scripture tells us that Jesus  only did those things He saw the Father do and He only said what He heard the Father say. Truly, Jesus  knew how to conduct Himself but He was fully and  absolutely submitted to the Father as an example. Jesus was our example. He didn’t operate as the Son of God; He operated as the Son of Man. Philippians 2 says He emptied Himself completely, in humility. He knew who He was but His mission required Him to lead by example for us. His entire life was poured out for us. He is still pouring out, interceding for us, now from heaven’s throne.

Our words are powerful. We must make sure our words are aligned with God’s purposes.

In 2 Peter 1: 2-4 there are some shocking verses:

“Grace and peace be multiplied to you  in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord,

as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue,

by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption [depravity] that is in the world through lust.”

Many Christians would call you a heretic if you explained what these verses really mean.

1.    We have been given all things that pertain to life and godliness

That means, Jesus did everything already so that you could access everything you need to accomplish your assignment here on earth.

2.   We have already been given exceedingly great and precious promises that through them we can be partakers of the divine nature!

3.   We can escape the corruption and depravity that in in the world, while we are still here!

How is this possible?

The promises come through knowledge, not just acquiring such knowledge but acting on and experiencing the knowledge, through obedience and acting on the Word of God by faith with the help of Holy Spirit. The Book of James explains this very well.

The first thing we must do as we step into these verses is align our tongue with God’s Word. How do we do that? One thing is to watch your words and stop, to check them before you give voice to them.

If Jesus appeared before you at this moment, would you say, what you are about to say?

This world is so corrupted that the enemy has been able to slip into our vocabulary certain words of death and defeat that can curse our upward course.  We do it in a joking fashion. These words are not aligned with what God’s purpose is on the earth.  Your spirit man believes everything you say, one hundred percent of the time. We must have integrity with ourselves!

What if everything you said came to pass? What would happen on the freeway, when that driver cuts you off suddenly? What if he turned into what you called him?

This can explain some of the reason we aren’t receiving what we say in prayer. God hears all of it. He doesn’t cut out when you say, “Amen.”David said, “Put a watch over my mouth that I might not sin against You.” We must all do this.

Read the Word of God out loud.

Pray in your heavenly language.

Check with God before you speak.

Breathe in and out YH – VH.

Someone said, “Make my words sweet in case I have to eat them.”

Your words are directly connected with faith and your authority in this world, in Jesus Name. We have delegated authority in Jesus Name. Jesus told His disciples this passage, right before He ascended into heaven: Matthew 28: 18-20.

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

Jesus told us to go, in His Name and He told us He would be with us.

This is supremely evident after the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured out in the upper room upon the 120.

This is a process. It is a step by step, every day, a little here, a little there. One year from now you might look back and see how you have improved.  

It starts with your mouth and what you put into your heart. For out of your heart your mouth will speak. Think about it. If you want to see God intervene in your circumstances and those around you, you will have to get your words in order so that they work with God’s agenda for you day by day.

Let’s pray…

Heavenly Father, thank you for showing me where I need to adjust my thinking. Help me, Holy Spirit to get my words in line with what heaven is saying. Jesus, Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path, show me wonders in Your Word and give me understanding of where I need to change. I repent of things I have said that didn’t reflect who I really am and all you have provided for me. I ask you to bring me to a place that pleases you in this area. I know you will help me. I bless You and praise You for the work You are doing in my life as I come under Your wing and humble myself everyday, in Jesus Name I pray these things. Amen and amen.


Growing is Painful