All Means All
Did you know that Jesus doesn’t joke around or use satire when He talks to you. He means what He says, all the time, every day, every time. He speaks absolute truth because He is the Truth, Himself. You might say, “Well, He is God, so that’s not hard to imagine.” Yes, you are right. There’s something that you may not realize though.

Growing is Painful
Sometimes we are unaware of God’s plans and purposes. James chapter one reminds us that temptations, tests and trials take place in the midst of our routine, for the purpose of growing our character into the character of Jesus.

Salvation Secured
I am reminded over and over of the wealth of God’s grace and how it secures our salvation! Once our salvation is secured we can reach out to others knowing God is with us. He has our back here on earth and when we leave here, we will live in His presence forever.

“Aha” Moments with the Bible
Remember to ask the Holy Spirit about anything you read in the Bible that doesn’t make sense to you. He is your Teacher, Helper, and Guide. I say it this way, “Feel free to inquire about the Author. We have the best-selling author sitting right next to us!”

God’s Interest is in Our Entire Being
God’s interest is in our entire being. We are a trifold being. We are a spirit; we have a soul and live in a physical body. God is concerned with all that we are. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit!

I never appreciated the following Scripture until I had children. Hebrews 12:5b-6: “My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; For whom the Lord loves He chastens, And scourges every son whom He receives.”

Apostle Paul Prayed For Us
Apostle Paul prayed for us in Ephesians 1: 17-18 that we would draw from our Lord, Jesus Christ, the glory kindled within us, wisdom, revelation, and the unveiling of God’s plan for us, our destinies.