God’s Interest is in Our Entire Being
Many have the mistaken idea that God is only interested in our spiritual growth and well-being.
We are created in God’s image, and yes, God is Spirit, and those who come to Him are to worship Him in Spirit and truth as Scripture says in John chapter 4. God’s interest is in our entire being. We are a trifold being. We are a spirit; we have a soul and live in a physical body. God is concerned with all that we are. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit! That’s a wake-up call. We need to do our best to maintain our bodies and trust God for healing and restoration. We must keep our bodies for strength and fitness so that we can be used in the work of the kingdom of God. We need balance in this area not to be obsessive about our looks or weight but wear our body as an earth suit to accommodate our life on earth and not be an impediment or an idol.
Our soul is a much more delicate area. One preacher described it as a flower having many layers or pedals that God wants to heal, restore and strengthen. It comprises our mind, will, emotions, imagination, dream life (awake and asleep), creativity, and character. The fruit of the Spirit is born in the Spirit. They flow through the soul into action and service through the body.
Every area of our being is integrated beautifully and interconnected. Specific actions or words can trigger a physical response in the body, and embarrassment is an excellent example.
We need to be grateful for how we are fearfully and wonderfully created in God’s image and acknowledge the wondrous interaction of our entire self and how all of it is important to God. He cares for all of you – Rejoice! The Highest Sovereign over the whole universe loves and cares for you. Be blessed today. Amen.