God's Mind is Made Up About You
There are two scriptures that alerted my attention, this morning, Ephesians 1:4 and Ephesians 2: 3-4. The Mirror Study Bible: “He (God, the Father) associated us in Christ before the fall of the world! Jesus is God’s mind made up about us! He always knew in His love that He would present us face-to-face before Him in blameless innocence.
“Throughout that time everyone of us were warped and corrupted in our conduct; snared in a jumble of forbidden lusts, driven by the desires of the senses, completely engaged in an expression of a life ruled by mind games; it was as if a twisted passion parented a global breed of people. None of this (previous verse #3) could distract from the extravagant love of God; He continued to love us with the exact same intensity.”
S,o in conclusion, it is of utmost importance that the scripture becomes our mirror of who we are and how we are known by God. Scripture gives us God’s true image and identity. Once we embrace His Word about us we will be free in life and love. Speak it forth, out loud, “I am holy and without blame before Him in love, and that love is great toward me. I am greatly loved by God. Speak it until you believe it with all your heart. This is truth that sets us free!