Apostle Paul Prayed For Us
Apostle Paul prayed for us in Ephesians 1: 17-18 that we would draw from our Lord, Jesus Christ, the glory kindled within us, wisdom, revelation, and the unveiling of God’s plan for us, our destinies.
These are revelations that God has known all along. He prayed that our thoughts would be flooded with clear insight into how precious we are to Him and what treasures we are as His inheritance. We are reflections of His assets and His wealth, for we are partakers of His divine plan and purpose.
You might say, “What a wonderful prayer!” And I would respond, “Yes, it is a wonderful prayer!” It will remain just that until you receive it as truth and begin to activate it in your own life. You must possess the truths expressed therein and not leave them on a dusty bible page. Let the words leap off the page and be sown into your heart as destiny steps.
God, enlighten my path into my identity in You, all You have for me so I can walk with You in truth. Holy Spirit, be my Helper, Guide, and Teacher. These truths from this prayer are hard for my mind to take in, but my heart is open. Help me to understand by the Spirit all that you have for me and how to walk where You are leading me. Help me, Holy Spirit, as I declare, “I have received the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus, the eyes of my understanding being enlightened.” Ephesians 1: 17-18.